{nbdev} integration

These utilities are intended to be used to integrate nbdev into the workflow, alongside some opinionated tools like {poetry}, and also enforcing some of my personal defaults.


 conform ()

Conform nbdev, quarto, and poetry configuration. Infer information from poetry’s pyproject.toml and the git repository information and generate:

  • a compliant settings.ini file for nbdev,
  • a compliant _quarto.yml file for the quarto-based documentation, and
  • a filled-in pyproject.toml for poetry.

Most poetry configs are mapped to the fields that make sense, but for configs that are not present in pyproject.toml, they can be supplied via a [tool.nbdev] section in pyproject.toml.


 export ()

Similar to nbdev_export but with specific modifications.


 version (rule:str)
Type Details
rule str PEP-440 compliant bump rule


 github_actions ()

Add GitHub Actions Workflows for testing and documentation


 release ()

Creates a release on github and poetry


 gitignore ()

Appends to the gitignore for nbdev specific ignores.


 config ()

Creates configuration that allows nbdev to coexist with other tools


 theme ()

Adds the TJ Palanca theme to quarto